REFLEXION – In Sync / Out of Sync – Installation & Performance

REFLEXION – In Sync / Out of Sync – Installation & Performance for percussion, electronics and dance. 2022: Ho

LEIKHĒN – Installation

Inspired by the composite plant of lichen (from Greek: leikhēn), which is the result of a hybrid partnership between a fungus


Interactive installation for brain waves, tweets, octophonic sound and light – This installation was created in 2016 dur

MINDSCAPE – Performance & Installation

Interactive Performance & Installation for BCI (Brain Computer Interface), immersive sound and light wires  For WEB-M

SKIN Performance

SKIN is an interactive performance, in which the artist interacts with sounds and images using the GSR (Galvanic Skin Response

SKIN – Installation

2012/14 Romania/NYC Tailor’s tower Cluj-Napoca, HARVESTWORKS Gallery New York City, Di Digitale Duesseldorf, Miami New

INsideOUT Performance

Interactive performance for Brain waves, video and immersive sound. (2009) This performance is about the materialization of th


Interactive Performance for 3 Butoh dancers, EMG sensors, Video and Surround Sound Première: Kubus. ZKM -Center for Art and M


I was invited in 2011 to perform  Alvin Lucier’s piece: Music for Solo Performer – for Enormously Amplified


Interactive Performances and installations using biomedical signals including sensors such as: BCI (Brain Computer Interf

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