(Link to academic publications) 

(Link to catalogues)


==> New feature in Light Collective:  

I’m delighted to be featured in this fantastic book curated by Light Collective : “WOMEN LIGHT ARTISTS” Vol. 1, together with other 43 great female colleagues.  

Printed copies can be ordered at this link:


==> New Short Article:  

REFLEXION – In Sync/Out of Sync – : 


Article in Wölfel M., Bernhardt J., Thiel S. (eds) ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation. ArtsIT 2021:  

Web-Mindscape and REFLEXION – In Sync/Out of Sync –: Biofeedback and Physical Computing in Inter-active New Media Art

Authors:  Robles-Angel C., Gernemann-Paulsen A., Seifert U.


The article draws attention to physical computing as a method for designing interactive biofeedback systems in New Media Art. Web-Mindscape and REFLEXION – In Sync/Out of Sync –, two biofeedback installations by artist Claudia Robles-Angel serve as examples. We briefly describe the artist’s intentions and give a detailed report of the technical realization of both installations in the context of physical computing. From a scientific perspective of physical computing and interactive biofeedback installations, we touch upon combining art and research in the form of art-as-science.


Interview:  featured artist at ADA – Archive of Digital Art – Text & interview by Rachel Mueller.  Head and scientific conception: Prof. Dr. Oliver Grau.


short article about my installation REFLEXION by Leonie Pietrovicci (in German)

Empathie für das Gegenüber – zu der Installation REFLEXION In Sync / Out of Sync von Claudia Robles-Angel


Interview about my work by Helene Heuser Grapefruits ‘A Fanzine on Female Composers and Sound Artists’. A printed copy of the issue can also be ordered mailing





 ‘…. Claudia Robles Angel’s performance, for example, used wires that connected her brain to a system of projected images and sounds. What the audience received was a combination of pre-chosen images as well as the way that Angel’s brain was processing and reacting to them in real time. The other performances had similar arrangements, but Angel’s was the most extreme: watching her, the body became a wired machine, producing cold sounds and abrupt visuals very unlike what we associate with the brain, or with human feelings… ”  

by Adela Yawitz Berlin Art Link






”Dunkelheit. Ein in tiefes Schwarz getauchter Raum, der buchstäblich einer Blackbox gleicht. Nur schwer lassen sich die Umrisse einer Gestalt erkennen. Unvermittelt blitzen feine leuchtende Fäden auf – weiße und violette Lichtstränge, sternförmig angeordnet, intermittierend, kreisend, von einem surrenden Klangstrom begleitet. Welchen Ursprung aber haben Bild und Ton? Ausgangspunkt der interaktiven Performance MINDSCAPE (2016) ist nichts weniger als die menschliche Schaltzentrale: das Gehirn. Denn mit dem audiovisuellen Werk für Gehirnwellen, Licht und Surround-Sound macht die kolumbianische Medienkünstlerin Claudia Robles-Angel dessen elektrische Aktivität sicht- und hörbar. Mehr noch: Jede Aufführung beruht auf Echtzeit-Empfindungen, um daraus singuläre optische und akustische Projektionen einer im Titel angedeuteten ,Geistesschaft‘ zu generieren…”  

by Gerardo Scheige. Der Klang des Köerpers Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 2018/03 , Seite 56


Portrait @Deutschlandfunk DLF (click here)


Innogy Stiftung (click here)


Le Flash (click here)


General Anzeiger Bonn (click here)


HÖRTZ24  (click here)


Kölnischer Rundschau (click here)



Kölner Stadt Anzeiger: Annette Schroeder (click here) (Link to catalogues)




RADIO UNAM – Testimonio de Oidas (Autorretrato sonoro) (click here)





UCV Valencia click here or here









Article of my authorship “The Human Body as an Audiovisual Instrument” in a whole chapter of this superb book: Sound & Image: Aesthetics and Practices  (ed.) A Knight-Hill (2020)  Routledge.


Focusing on two interactive works by the author: Skin (2012/2018) and Mindscape (2016/2018), this chapter describes how the human body is used as an instrument to create interactive audiovisual environments. Driven by the power of the organic body and its internal imperceptible fluctuations this research puts forward the idea that the human body has so far not been perceived in its totality. Based on biofeedback methods and by measuring the body’s physiological parameters via new technologies, these performances/installations propose the usage of the human body as an ‘audiovisual instrument’ that triggers sound and visual elements via the measurement of two biomedical-signals, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Electroencephalography (EEG). Instead of using interfaces for these signals as an extension of the body, these works introduce them as a bridge, a means to help the perception of the human body in a different manner. Physiological activities directly connected to the nervous system are measured and stored in a computer, which thereafter introduces algorithms to project these usually invisible and inaudible internal fluctuations inside the human body to an immersive environment, a space where inner and subtle human manifestations emerge in audiovisual form.

You can order a copy with this link:

• – Robles, C. The Human Body as an Audiovisual Instrument. Sound and Image Aesthetics and Practices. Andrew Hill editor, Routledge.  ISBN 9780367271466.

• – Tense Present at KID KIBLA Multimedia Art Center. Online Catalogue ISSUU.  p. 70-71

• –Encuentro Internacional de Arte y Tecnooloogía. Universidad Católica de Valencia. Bitácora de Arte y Tecnología . José Cosme editor.

• -Robles-Angel, C.; Scherffig, L.; Birringer, J.; Seifert, U.. Bio-medical Signals in Media Art ISEA 2017 Proceedings pages 720-29.  ISBN  978-958-759-161-3.

• –ENERGIE WECHSEL –an artist in residence project curated by Dr. Uwe Rüth at the IK Foundation Flushing.  2016.  ISBN  978-90-825344-05

• – Robles, C. 2015. Audiovisual: Perspectivas de una entidad indivisibleIDEAS SONICAS #14. CMMAS editor. pages 19 -23.

• – Zona de Convergencia at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Bogotá. Online Catalogue ISSSUU

• – Robles, C. 2014. Audiovisual art: perspectives of an indivisible entity. CEC -eContact 15.4. This paper is available at: eContact15.4

• -Gernemann-Paulsen, A.; Robles Angel, C.; Seifert, U.; Schmidt, L.. Physical Computing and New Media Art – new challenges in events. 27. Tonmeistertagung, 2012, Proceedings (in print).

• -Robles, C. 2011. Creating Interactive Multimedia Works with Bio-data. NIME 2011 Proceeding Books ISSN: 2220 – 4792 / 2220 – 4806 /2220 -4814. This paper is available at: NIME2011

RADIO UNAM – Testimonio de Oidas (Autorretrato sonoro) (click here)





UCV Valencia click here or here









New article of my authorship “The Human Body as an Audiovisual Instrument” in a whole chapter of this superb book: Sound & Image: Aesthetics and Practices  (ed.) A Knight-Hill (2020)  Routledge.


Focusing on two interactive works by the author: Skin (2012/2018) and Mindscape (2016/2018), this chapter describes how the human body is used as an instrument to create interactive audiovisual environments. Driven by the power of the organic body and its internal imperceptible fluctuations this research puts forward the idea that the human body has so far not been perceived in its totality. Based on biofeedback methods and by measuring the body’s physiological parameters via new technologies, these performances/installations propose the usage of the human body as an ‘audiovisual instrument’ that triggers sound and visual elements via the measurement of two biomedical-signals, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Electroencephalography (EEG). Instead of using interfaces for these signals as an extension of the body, these works introduce them as a bridge, a means to help the perception of the human body in a different manner. Physiological activities directly connected to the nervous system are measured and stored in a computer, which thereafter introduces algorithms to project these usually invisible and inaudible internal fluctuations inside the human body to an immersive environment, a space where inner and subtle human manifestations emerge in audiovisual form.

You can order a copy with this link:

• – Robles, C. The Human Body as an Audiovisual Instrument. Sound and Image Aesthetics and Practices. Andrew Hill editor, Routledge.  ISBN 9780367271466.

• – Tense Present at KID KIBLA Multimedia Art Center. Online Catalogue ISSUU.  p. 70-71

• –Encuentro Internacional de Arte y Tecnooloogía. Universidad Católica de Valencia. Bitácora de Arte y Tecnología . José Cosme editor.

• -Robles-Angel, C.; Scherffig, L.; Birringer, J.; Seifert, U.. Bio-medical Signals in Media Art ISEA 2017 Proceedings pages 720-29.  ISBN  978-958-759-161-3.

• –ENERGIE WECHSEL –an artist in residence project curated by Dr. Uwe Rüth at the IK Foundation Flushing.  2016.  ISBN  978-90-825344-05

• – Robles, C. 2015. Audiovisual: Perspectivas de una entidad indivisibleIDEAS SONICAS #14. CMMAS editor. pages 19 -23.

• – Zona de Convergencia at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Bogotá. Online Catalogue ISSSUU

• – Robles, C. 2014. Audiovisual art: perspectives of an indivisible entity. CEC -eContact 15.4. This paper is available at: eContact15.4

• -Gernemann-Paulsen, A.; Robles Angel, C.; Seifert, U.; Schmidt, L.. Physical Computing and New Media Art – new challenges in events. 27. Tonmeistertagung, 2012, Proceedings (in print).

• -Robles, C. 2011. Creating Interactive Multimedia Works with Bio-data. NIME 2011 Proceeding Books ISSN: 2220 – 4792 / 2220 – 4806 /2220 -4814. This paper is available at: NIME2011

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